We offer complimentary shipping within India.
The estimated shipping time will vary depending on the respective delivery deadlines mentioned against each product. The delivery lead time shall be around 3-5 days from the date of dispatch for domestic and international orders respectively. Express delivery shall be made on approval only for urgent orders on request. In a rare case of delay in delivery due to unforeseeable circumstances, Label Ritihcoutureshall not be held responsible if our third party couriers fail to deliver.
All international orders may be subject to import/custom duties or local taxes, which are levied by the importing country you are in & they shall be borne solely by the recipient on arrival. Kindly check with your local custom authorities to find correct information on import duties from India.
If you may have any further queries regarding delivery please email us at :
The shipping charges are calculated at the time of placing the order depending on the weight and volume of the products purchased. We will provide you with an estimated delivery date for your order at the time of placing the order, which will also be noted on your order confirmation email. We do not ship on Sundays and/or on nationally observed holidays. Please note : the shipping charge DOES NOT include import duty(s). Before dispatching your parcel, we ensure a thorough quality check by our QC team.
If you receive an item which is damaged, please contact us immediately at info@ritihcouture.com